
Welcome to Hireddit, the job board built specifically for those who love browsing Reddit for job opportunities but want a faster, more organized way to find the perfect role.

I created this platform to solve a problem that I, like many others, often faced: scouring through various job-related subreddits can be time-consuming and overwhelming.

With Hireddit, you can now find all those job posts in one place, with filters that make it easy to search, sort, and apply for roles that fit you best.

How It Works

Hireddit aggregates job posts from subreddits like r/forhirer/remoteworkr/INAT.

Each job-post is categorized, searchable, and linked back to the original source, so you can easily see the full details and discussions.

Submit Your Job Posting

Want your Reddit job post to reach even more job seekers? If you're hiring, your post can also be featured on our platform. Here’s how:

  1. Use "hiring" in the title: sure your Reddit post title includes the keyword "hiring" so we can identify it.
  2. Post on approved subreddits: platform scans specific subreddits to bring relevant job listings to our users. You can find a list of these subreddits on our Post page
  3. Recommend new subreddits: you post on a subreddit that’s not yet listed, recommend it to us! Simply fill out our feedback form, and we’ll consider adding it to our scraping list to ensure your job post gets more visibility.

Spread the Word

Know someone on the job hunt? Share Hireddit with friends, family, or anyone who might be looking for their next opportunity. Our platform brings together the latest job posts from across Reddit, making it easier for job seekers to find listings in one convenient place. Your recommendation could make all the difference for someone searching for their next role!

Why I Built This

Traditional job platforms are oversaturated and impersonal. While exploring Reddit, I discovered many hidden job posts that weren't getting the attention they deserved. That’s when I realized that Reddit is not only a great community platform but also a powerful tool for job discovery.

Driven by a passion for helping people break into tech and advance their careers, I'm building an ecosystem designed to support learners and job seekers:

  • Moocable (live) – A peer-learning platform that connects you with accountability partners and mentors to enhance your learning experience.
  • Get Foot in Tech (coming soon) – A platform focused on helping new graduates and self-taught developers find remote internships, bridging the gap between learning and landing that crucial first job.
  • Hireddit (live) – A job platform that leverages Reddit to uncover job opportunities for tech enthusiasts.

Meet Junaid Khan

Junaid Khan

Hey 👋🏻, I’m a A software engineer, indie maker, and an educator from Mumbai, India. My passion for helping people break into tech comes from seeing firsthand how challenging it can be for friends and family to find their first job

That’s why I’m building Moocable, Hireddit, and Get Foot in Tech—an ecosystem designed to help learners, job seekers, and self-taught developers.

My goal is simple: to create solutions that empower others, whether it’s through study groups, finding internships, or uncovering hidden job opportunities.